Ray Youssef
4 min readJan 13, 2024
Will Uncle Sam give us the reach around?

The Bitcoin ETF, this cycles Luna/BlockFi ?

The Bitcoin ETF is a Trojan Horse at the very least. What is the worst that could happen? Have we been conquered ?

Bitcoin began as Peer to peer electronic Cash. With the ETF Bitcoin is now resigned to being dusty electronic gold buried in bank vaults under layers of AML and KYC.

The vision of revolution has been gutted from Bitcoin and while it remains an excellent Store of Value there is no interest in it being a Medium of Exchange as orginally intended. The bitcoin Holders of the west are content with a nice exit and do not want to do the work to create a circular economy. Understandably so as building circular economies is a great deal of work and they do not have a need since their money clearing networks work. What they fail to see is that without circular economies their exit will be to fiat money thus putting more Bitcoin into the hands of the old money players. In exchange the people shall get paper bitcoin. All the things that make Bitcoin great we shall lose in time as the old money players move into monopolize mining and self custody becomes as archaic as the telegraph.

The Bitcoin ETF is a trojan horse and most seem so bedazzled by the price that they will gladly open the gates. They could not take the PoW (Proof of Work) out of Bitcoin so instead they focused on snuffing out the P2P out of Bitcoin. The ETF will take bitcoin out of the tech arena and into the legal age where these old money players are strong. The price will swing sideways and only to the boundaries they have set. Dreams of a $500k Bitcoin and unreasonable and delussional. If these old money players can artificially suppress the price of Gold, which has a much higher market cap (20X higher) then they can control the price of bitcoin. Without utility as a true Medium of Exchange Bitcoin will just be a pet rock for the middle class to invest in much like a high tech Roth IRA. Yet their is hope..

The youth of the Global South have been pioneering Bitcoin as a Medium of Exchange for over eight years!!!

These peer to peer OTC traders have created pan African and Global coriddors for commerce using bitcoin. The future of Bitcoin will be built by them and all the builders creating circular economies across the Global South. I call on all the lions out there building products, coriddors and educated communities to double your efforts!

This is now a race and we have six years to create Bitcoin powered economies. P2P marketplaces found in apps like NoOnes must grow. I want everyone to steal my idea and come in and compete with me. I will help you build your own marketplaces on the decentralized CivKit protocol. In this new Age the Global South will produce our own corporate power to rival and exceed Google, Amazon and the Apples of the world. The Global South, espcially Africa has risen to take a true stand for humanity and this lead will only grow. It will be in Africa where the worlds first crypto powered circular economies will flourish, creating jobs and advancement beyond any pace we thought possible.

CivKit is a decentralized protcol to create a global free marketplace. Anyone setup shop as easy as starting a blog. P2P Commerce as Satoshi intended. No token, just BTC.

Why six years you may ask? It is a feeling and that feeling would make for 3 full volumes of blackswans, psyops and prophecy. We are only defending ourselves, by WE I mean humanity. Those with empathy who value God above all not money vs all the others and their NPC stooges. Mr. Fink who is gifted and quite brilliant as an money mage has declared that their should be an ETH ETF now. Wow.

“These guys been waiting a while.. How about we go all in on ETH instead!” (what if? )

What if bitcoins price did not spike on this ETF but went down from the hype and stayed sideways for… as long as our paper tiger masters deemed ? With the ETF done what more big news is there for Bitcoin ? ETH has the ETF and will continue to rise past bitcoin and when the ETF comes don’t be suprised to see Vitaliks JP Morgan coin’s ETF to do better than Bitcoin. Wouldn’t that hurt ?

Are we seeing the Trojan horse yet?
